Saturday, February 9, 2013


hey well i am happy to say we have another ally the eclipsia negative forest kingdom
their queen is someone named negativecolors thanks to tucker G for telling me about the forest kingdom and making us allies anyways i put them on the allies page

Eclipsia Negative Forest Kingdom
ruled by negativecolors

NegativeColors - Queen Eclipsia
lukeisawsom - Princess Avaline
funlay1 - Princess Kistish
lrk12333 - Luhki the knight
lion4pride - Princess Zimli
IzyLizy - Trodd - prisoner
lzyLizy (spelt with a an L) Frodd - prisoner


in other news i added a mini play page (thanks to peppywolf for letting me use her idea of the mini play)
and i updated the side bar the side bar shows all the royals i still need to add the rest anyways


the kingdom has a king now his username is amps doesn't get on that much and he is a nonmember but still i like him so ya :3    

so we kindof have two more people trying to kill us :|    (why is everyone after us?!?!)      soul stealer has been leaving us alone for a long time now but some dude named horns (soultaker10) and some other guy named mythical (hellopeopleslol) anyways thats about all for today bye guys

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

potions and spells

well it seems lately there has been a lot of potion brewing and stuff mainly the baby potion but i thought i would make a post about potions and WHY they are drangous and why you shouldn't use them to pull pranks and stuff                    (note you don't have to make the potions just like in the video you can make them how ever you want i just made this video for fun)
here is a list of potions you should NEVER use unless you are fully trained to use potions

death potion- reason: you could kill someone duh -.-

dragon potion- reason: it turns you into a dragon most dragons are good but sometimes useing the dragon potion can get out of hand :|

love potion- reason: are you shocked this is on the list? i guess it is pretty shocking how ever it can be pretty drangous to use this potion

life potion- reason: you would think this would be a really good potion that should always be used but the results are differnt every time like zombies, ghosts, vamps and that stuff and if it gets into the wrong hands it could be super drangous 

anyways thats the list and i have added a new law to the laws page about potions remember be fairy careful with potions

some things that are found in potions a lot: