Wednesday, April 24, 2013

even more updates

hello i just want to update a few things that the home page is where i post updates, new members, etc.  and role playing things will be moved to the mini play page anyways the whole thing about amps ya uhh idk whats going on there i think he quit or something made a new account idk but ya short post..

in other news i shall be updating the jobs page even more you see this is why kingdoms are differnt then clans there are a ton more jobs not that i don't love clans :3

and nm day is coming up it really doesn't have anything to do with the kingdom but i just want to let you know about nm day heres the little video i did on it:


please keep your person in the kingdom! i cant time role plays because my computer goes off at totaly random times and i most likely won't be able to make it but when i am on please atend role plays or your person will be marked under missing!!! so far NO ONE seems to atend role plays anymore so for now everyone on the citizns page is under missing!

Saturday, April 13, 2013


hello i am sure most all of you know about the "adventure" AJHQ is planning they have been giving up hints on what it could be about.. like tooltip and spirit armor
hmm what could they mean by "ranged acttck" and "fierce"..
ok so you must all be wondering what this has to do with the kingdom and why i don't just post it on 
my other blog

well because 1. i simi quit my other blog and 2. it does have something to do with the kingdom!
you see if the rumors are true and there is in deed a phantom acttck/war coming up it might make a pretty good role play like phantoms acttck the kingdom or something  
so even if there is no phantom acttck we might want to get ready      -.O

anyways time for battle training and armor so stock up on armor and weapons!!!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

things happen in the kingdom more then you think

so i see a lot of people seem to sign up but then don't really do anything so yes i would say that you should keep your person in the role play so like don't be scared to just come i am almost always role playing the kingdoms (if im not im most likely doing a video) so yes i don't always post about everything that happens but things DO still happen i just hope everyone knows that :)

btw welcome mystery viewer.. <.<
lol just kidding but every time i go on chat role theres always a mystery viewer idk if thats a glitch or not :D

Friday, April 5, 2013

dragon breeds

 hello kingdom yes things still happen in the kingdom (a lot of things) i just don't post about them either way we found a dragon egg in the forest or i think it was a dragon egg i have no idea it was an angle but it came from an egg??? anyways we were trying to think of what breed it was (hopeing ice) but that got me to thinking maybe i should list dragon breeds i list everything -.- either way here are a few dragons breeds  (i forgot some like golden dragon, night dragon but i will add them latter)

                                                                 fire dragon
                                                               water dragon
                                                                  ice dragon
                                                                   forest dragon
                                                                angle dragon
                                                                      light dragon

Monday, April 1, 2013


welcome earl themaster our kingdom sure is growing fast :)

so welcome knight :)

Name: Earl Themaster 
Den life in: Jakiro9898 den's 
Resident : 2
Children : 4
Job : Knight 
Social standing : Royal 
Name : Drira and Jakiro9898
History : A princess from a forgotten kingdom her dad is mean to her so she escape. She found a forest where she found Queen Uki she let her stay, one day she have been cursed by a wizard so she hardly come back to the forest. The cures always make her in pain but that not stop her from being a knight like she always wanted.The cures is Dark chaos ( Turn her to evil when she so mad or so sad ) I want to join with my new profile sorry about that also sorry about alot of "This comment has been removed by the author" I misspelled my user and history