Sunday, September 15, 2013


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

quitting the kingdom maybe, maybe not? 0-0

ok so i have given this like an hour's worth of thought  na i have been thinking of this ever since i made this blog! >:|

anyways yea i am thinking of quitting the kingdom because i just haven't really been into it i pretty much deleted a lot of the stuff saying i have a kingdom.. and there are a lot of reasons why first off i deleted my royal wolf because i am not really into being the whole "royal" thing anymore i just want to be a normal person.. DX

sooo yep im quitting the kingdom. and i don't plan on starting it back up and there are other role plays soooo bye..

Monday, May 13, 2013

return of fire kingdom

hello kingdom it seems fire kingdom has returned..

random "new" people keep coming.. and we THINK they are spies from fire kingdom so far i can remember one user name a panda who came and said "hello ladies ;)"  and then another one came saying the same thing but this one was orange with flames which is the color of fire kingdom the panda's name was "imbak" bak seems to be short for back on the internet we know it cant be soul taker or any of his people or anyways (please forget the whole soultaker thing he has be deleted from my life forever) anyways be warned and look out for fire kingdom!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

even more updates

hello i just want to update a few things that the home page is where i post updates, new members, etc.  and role playing things will be moved to the mini play page anyways the whole thing about amps ya uhh idk whats going on there i think he quit or something made a new account idk but ya short post..

in other news i shall be updating the jobs page even more you see this is why kingdoms are differnt then clans there are a ton more jobs not that i don't love clans :3

and nm day is coming up it really doesn't have anything to do with the kingdom but i just want to let you know about nm day heres the little video i did on it:


please keep your person in the kingdom! i cant time role plays because my computer goes off at totaly random times and i most likely won't be able to make it but when i am on please atend role plays or your person will be marked under missing!!! so far NO ONE seems to atend role plays anymore so for now everyone on the citizns page is under missing!

Saturday, April 13, 2013


hello i am sure most all of you know about the "adventure" AJHQ is planning they have been giving up hints on what it could be about.. like tooltip and spirit armor
hmm what could they mean by "ranged acttck" and "fierce"..
ok so you must all be wondering what this has to do with the kingdom and why i don't just post it on 
my other blog

well because 1. i simi quit my other blog and 2. it does have something to do with the kingdom!
you see if the rumors are true and there is in deed a phantom acttck/war coming up it might make a pretty good role play like phantoms acttck the kingdom or something  
so even if there is no phantom acttck we might want to get ready      -.O

anyways time for battle training and armor so stock up on armor and weapons!!!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

things happen in the kingdom more then you think

so i see a lot of people seem to sign up but then don't really do anything so yes i would say that you should keep your person in the role play so like don't be scared to just come i am almost always role playing the kingdoms (if im not im most likely doing a video) so yes i don't always post about everything that happens but things DO still happen i just hope everyone knows that :)

btw welcome mystery viewer.. <.<
lol just kidding but every time i go on chat role theres always a mystery viewer idk if thats a glitch or not :D

Friday, April 5, 2013

dragon breeds

 hello kingdom yes things still happen in the kingdom (a lot of things) i just don't post about them either way we found a dragon egg in the forest or i think it was a dragon egg i have no idea it was an angle but it came from an egg??? anyways we were trying to think of what breed it was (hopeing ice) but that got me to thinking maybe i should list dragon breeds i list everything -.- either way here are a few dragons breeds  (i forgot some like golden dragon, night dragon but i will add them latter)

                                                                 fire dragon
                                                               water dragon
                                                                  ice dragon
                                                                   forest dragon
                                                                angle dragon
                                                                      light dragon

Monday, April 1, 2013


welcome earl themaster our kingdom sure is growing fast :)

so welcome knight :)

Name: Earl Themaster 
Den life in: Jakiro9898 den's 
Resident : 2
Children : 4
Job : Knight 
Social standing : Royal 
Name : Drira and Jakiro9898
History : A princess from a forgotten kingdom her dad is mean to her so she escape. She found a forest where she found Queen Uki she let her stay, one day she have been cursed by a wizard so she hardly come back to the forest. The cures always make her in pain but that not stop her from being a knight like she always wanted.The cures is Dark chaos ( Turn her to evil when she so mad or so sad ) I want to join with my new profile sorry about that also sorry about alot of "This comment has been removed by the author" I misspelled my user and history

Sunday, March 31, 2013

welcoming lietentiet!

wow 3 citizens in 3 days 0.0 

anyways the kingdom now has a dungeon keeper LIETENTIET ROCKYMOON

so anyways welcome lietentiet i hope you like our nice little kingdom :D

name: lietentiet rockymoon
den: halkboy57
how many people in household: one
job:dungeon keeper
Username: halkboy57
History: none

Friday, March 29, 2013

welcome Sirius

hello kingdom today we have yet another new member :D

Family Name: Alnitak
Where I Live: The Castle 
Residents: Not sure
Job: Warlock
Social Standing: Middle Class
AJ User: Piplup131415
Kingdom Name: Sirius alnitak History:  Sirius Alnitak wanted to train as a warlock but her family didn't let her, so she dressed as a boy and ran away from home so she could start her training.

another thing is i am taking off the "kingdom name" part because it seems to be messing a lot of people up you see you put your last name (in game not real life) in the family name and you put your name in the kingdom name part but i am taking it off and just having people put their full name in the family name part anyways

welcome Sirius (piplup131415)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

new citizen

hello kingdom today we have a new citizen

Family name: Paw
Where you live: No where
Residents:  unkowen
How may children: 3
Job: Child
Social Standing: Lower class
AJ Username: EvilGummyBears101
Kingdom Name: none (for now)

in other news i am making more small changes to the blog not big ones just small ones so you can try to see if you can find thoses ;3 

thats all for today so bye!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

small changes

hi i made a few changes to the blog i changed the sign up page a little so it now says

What is your family name
whos den do you live in
how many residents live in it?
 How many are children?
what is your job?
 What is your social standing (royal, upper class, etc...)
whats your animal jam username (add the usernames of the rest of the family here too if you want)
what is you and your family's kingdom names?
your animal's history? 

anyways i added some blogs to the sidebar and i changed the map into a video and i will add more things latter so im making this post short so uh ya bye =_=

edit: i'm adding some more jobs for the jobs  page and i fixed up the post a little..

Saturday, February 9, 2013


hey well i am happy to say we have another ally the eclipsia negative forest kingdom
their queen is someone named negativecolors thanks to tucker G for telling me about the forest kingdom and making us allies anyways i put them on the allies page

Eclipsia Negative Forest Kingdom
ruled by negativecolors

NegativeColors - Queen Eclipsia
lukeisawsom - Princess Avaline
funlay1 - Princess Kistish
lrk12333 - Luhki the knight
lion4pride - Princess Zimli
IzyLizy - Trodd - prisoner
lzyLizy (spelt with a an L) Frodd - prisoner


in other news i added a mini play page (thanks to peppywolf for letting me use her idea of the mini play)
and i updated the side bar the side bar shows all the royals i still need to add the rest anyways


the kingdom has a king now his username is amps doesn't get on that much and he is a nonmember but still i like him so ya :3    

so we kindof have two more people trying to kill us :|    (why is everyone after us?!?!)      soul stealer has been leaving us alone for a long time now but some dude named horns (soultaker10) and some other guy named mythical (hellopeopleslol) anyways thats about all for today bye guys

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

potions and spells

well it seems lately there has been a lot of potion brewing and stuff mainly the baby potion but i thought i would make a post about potions and WHY they are drangous and why you shouldn't use them to pull pranks and stuff                    (note you don't have to make the potions just like in the video you can make them how ever you want i just made this video for fun)
here is a list of potions you should NEVER use unless you are fully trained to use potions

death potion- reason: you could kill someone duh -.-

dragon potion- reason: it turns you into a dragon most dragons are good but sometimes useing the dragon potion can get out of hand :|

love potion- reason: are you shocked this is on the list? i guess it is pretty shocking how ever it can be pretty drangous to use this potion

life potion- reason: you would think this would be a really good potion that should always be used but the results are differnt every time like zombies, ghosts, vamps and that stuff and if it gets into the wrong hands it could be super drangous 

anyways thats the list and i have added a new law to the laws page about potions remember be fairy careful with potions

some things that are found in potions a lot:

Friday, January 25, 2013


well today we got a new "cat" but as you know

cat + dog = huge fight

so anyways i had a posion that can turn people into other animals (like a cat) so i told prince if he hurts the cat i would turn him into a cat so that keap him from hurting the cat but then the cat saw this as a chance to set up  the dog so anyways i went to go get some magic dust in case the posion thing goes wrong and when i came back rosy was yelling "EAT THE CAT PRINCE!" and everyone else was yelling "BAD CAT!" so i guess she clawed awesome's eye out or something and i just got awesome's paw back from soul taker

anyways latter after she started hurting everyone i put her in the dungeon  but sure enough she got away then she wanted to be "nice" so anyways i don't know if i should trust her or not but anyways thats about it..

Thursday, January 17, 2013

first two familes made on the blog :3

family name: anay
home: marker12345's den
residents: 1 

children: none
job: unknowen
 social standing: middle class
username: marker12345
kingdom name: unknowen


family name: anderson
home: Xerain's den
residents: 2
children: none
job: knight dog
social standing: middle class
username: Xerain
kingdom name: medieval anderson

Monday, January 7, 2013

username changes

edit 3: ok ilovechickenutoo has changed her username to olivia65321 so yea that is her new username and i hope there are no more username changes or i will have to make a whole other post

edit 2: ok only sapphirekitty12345 has changed back to her old one gabe00627 changed to another user that i will have to look up i cant remember it right now..

edit: forget this post they had to go back to their nonmember ones do to "hackers" or thats the reason gabe00627 had to i don't really know why sapphirekitty12345 had to but she did so ya forget this post they are know back to anna200122 and ilovechickenutoo

hi guys i just thought i should let you know anna200122 and ilovechickenutoo have changed their usernames anna200122 is now sapphirekitty12345 and ilovechickenutoo has changed her username to gabe00627 kindof hard usernames to remember but i will get used to them anyways thats all bye

Saturday, January 5, 2013

faires..! WHAT THE?!?!

 hey guys well today a dark force came to the land i bet we all know who that is.. soul stealer.. no you are wrong! this time it was soul keeper her sister (anna200122 wasn't online) so how am i still alive? well heres a little story for all of you (note that i played soul keeper)
no.. no not really XD  no heres how we were saved
 some of you might know about "the faires of the fluff" or just the faires ya.. well they saved us they turns people good again! yay! -girly flower music starts-  but then they said "wow this place needs a make over! -.-" and then they painted the castle pink O.O

 but there was one tiny little bitty drawback...
 anyone they saved turned into a fairy O.O

(note i played the the fairy heres a little thing when i was really young i was super into flower faries and pink and all that girly flower stuff but i kindof turned to like black and dark things and that stuff but yes i played rosy i was useing my back up soooo ya)