Wednesday, April 24, 2013

even more updates

hello i just want to update a few things that the home page is where i post updates, new members, etc.  and role playing things will be moved to the mini play page anyways the whole thing about amps ya uhh idk whats going on there i think he quit or something made a new account idk but ya short post..

in other news i shall be updating the jobs page even more you see this is why kingdoms are differnt then clans there are a ton more jobs not that i don't love clans :3

and nm day is coming up it really doesn't have anything to do with the kingdom but i just want to let you know about nm day heres the little video i did on it:


please keep your person in the kingdom! i cant time role plays because my computer goes off at totaly random times and i most likely won't be able to make it but when i am on please atend role plays or your person will be marked under missing!!! so far NO ONE seems to atend role plays anymore so for now everyone on the citizns page is under missing!

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